Japanese words “rei” meaning universal, and “ki” meaning life energy. Reiki is a type energy healing
Holistic Wellness for our Seniors
Experience the healing power of Reiki with Loper Cares Caregiving Services, Inc. Many seniors struggle with age-related discomforts, such as arthritis, slow healing injuries, and stress. Reiki has been shown to alleviate these discomforts and improve overall quality of life for seniors. Let us help you or your loved one experience the benefits of this gentle and non-invasive healing technique. Reiki helps loosen muscle tension, stimulates circulation, and soothes the nervous system. Seniors respond to Reiki because of the way it relieves pain from tight muscles, increases range of motion in arthritic or stiff joints, and even improves coordination to reduce the risk for falls and fall-related injuries. Reiki can speed healing from injuries and surgery, ease breathing, boost vitality, and rejuvenate energy and mental alertness. complementary therapy can provide benefits in ways seniors may not expect but certainly appreciate, including relief from itchy and dry skin, a more restful sleep, increased vitality, and mental alertness. Patients with dementia can often benefit from touch when more traditional approaches cannot reach them. UCLA says there are studies that showed Reiki reduces stress, anxiety, and depression responses – three conditions that affect many seniors, especially those with dementia. Reiki has been integrated into the hospital setting with more than 800 hospitals offering it in the USA, including but not limited to: The Cleveland Clinic. Disclaimer: The material and techniques presented are in no way to be considered medical advice. Reiki is not a substitute for medical care. If you have a health related condition, and would like to use Reiki, first consult a licensed medical practitioner whichever the case may be, and follow the advice of your licensed medical professional in regards to the administration of Reiki for your particular health condition.
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